2'600 CHFper month
Check In
Check Out
0 Nights (undefined Tenants)
CHF 0.00
End cleaning fee
CHF 400.00
Additional costs incl.
Electricity, Water, Heating and Internet
Rent deposit
You pay the rental deposit directly to the landlord and must be paid before check in. After your stay, you will receive this amount back from the landlord.
Additional local taxes and duties may apply
Total Amount
CHF 0.00
Payment by bank transfer
This is the amount that must be paid before moving in.
CHF 0.00
You do not pay anything yet.
CHF 2'600.00per month

City apartment in Basel with balcony

Basel, Schweiz
1 Bed
max. 3 Tenants
45 m2
1 Bathroom
Property type Apartment
Floor level 2

All about this accommodation

You want to experience Basel? Then Strassburgerallee 1 is the right place for you. In only 10 minutes you are at the train station and the airport. The old town and the many cafes on the Rhine are also in the immediate vicinity of your business apartment in Basel. Shopping opportunities are offered ...

Contact landlord

Do you have a question about this apartment? Contact the landlord before you send a binding booking request.
Chief Operations
Dominic M.
Member since Juni 2023Phone number VerifiedE-Mail Verified

Features & Amenities

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Accommodation locationSee where the apartment is located

ServicesChoose an additional housekeeping service or parking space for your car

Rental conditionsLearn more about the rental conditions of this accommodation

How to rent this accommodation

This is the ideal accommodation for me. How can I rent it?

When you have found your accommodation, you can send a binding rental request. The landlord will answer your request within 36h. This is how it works:

  1. Select dates for your stay as well as available services.
  2. When you are ready, send your binding rental request and accept the landlord's terms and conditions.
  3. Once the landlord accepts your rental request, the accommodation is successfully rented.

Is it possible to visit this accommodation?

With APARTOLINO you don't need to make a visit. A few good reasons:

  1. All accommodations on APARTOLINO have pictures and a clear description. However, if something is unclear, you can contact the landlord directly via instant messenger.
  2. In addition to pictures, many of the landlords also offer a virtual tour or a video of the accommodation. So you can virtually visit the accommodation. If you have any questions, contact the landlord.
  3. APARTOLINO verifies all landlords and checks the respective advertisements in advance.

What happens after my binding booking request?

Once the landlord has accepted your rental request, the rental confirmation is created. This is also valid as a rental agreement if you want to register with the municipality, for example. At the same time all invoices for the monthly rent payments will be created. The first monthly rent must be paid by the time you move in. You will receive a request for payment by email in a timely manner each time.

All invoices are visible in their dashboard under Payments as a PDF file and can be downloaded. Cancellation conditions before move-in as well as cancellation conditions during the stay can be found under the tab Rental conditions.

Terms and conditions
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